Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentines day.......

No cards yet, but doubtless just before the clock strikes midnight they'll come pouring in. Unless its like April fools day, and after midday all the cards are actually reversed, and the valentines on them! Or something......

I think I've mentioned valentines day, and already had a rant, so I'm gonna talk about something related, hate day. Think about it, what do humans love to do, other than love? Hate! It'd be a commercial success! Hate cards sent to people you detest, anonymously, oh the fun. The comparison of how many you got.... it'd be awesome. The radio can play angry songs about hell and stuff, and how love is shit. Oh its beautiful. I see no flaws in this plan at all. Lets face it, it could hardly be MORE depressing than valentines day.

So yeah, new start, new lectures, all exciting stuff. Frustratingly I have a pretty much compulsary tutorial on friday, which means that I might not be able to go to Paris with my parents, a trip I was kind of looking forward to. Never mind, such is life. So far my lessons have been kinda interesting. Group theory and mathematical modelling (talking about the scientific method. I do love the logic of science and mathematics: I try to be as logical as possible i what I do). So its good stuff. Added to the fact that I didn't have to get up too early, I'm feeling pretty good. I couldn't get to sleep until some time past 4 last night. 3 was actually too early for me to go to bed (ridiculous, I know, but thats what happens when you do not go to bed until 6).

But anyway, the course has started, so expect more thrilling tales of mathematics.....


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