Friday, February 11, 2005

random musings

The blogger home page only says I have 62 posts, which is a blatant lie. In fact, if you look at my profile it also does this, claiming my most recent post to be back in November (or some such ridiculous date). An odd, and vaguely annoying point, but what are you gonna do?

Anyway, watched Raging Bull last night. Very enjoyable. I honeslty don't see how one could not enjoy watching this film, which, while it does have grueling boxing scenes, is not really about that but more about our main character (as Scorcese loves to do..). For those of you a little squeamish about violence, the film is in black and white so it reduces the impact somewhat. I have to say thanks to Toby for buying this for me for christmas, as I got him nothing. But then, he mocks me all the time, so maybe this is his way of saying sorry (its probably some kind of ridiculously subtle mock).

I've just noticed that I can't spell honestly. Or type. I touch type most of the time, a self taught skill. Its always incredibly frustrating to watch someone who has never typed before write something on a keyboard. Try it some time- watch as their fingers hover, trying to find the key in the slightly illogically laid out keyboard (so designed because typewriters would catch if keys next to each other were pressed immediately after one another, I think). Gah, makes me mad. I guess we were all there once, but it doesn't stop me resenting. To be fair I've got a good core of resentment in me, so thats hardly surprising.

Heh, you gotta love those tangents. Speaking of tangents, lets go off on another one. News presenters nowadays always say that the prime minister "is going to announce his plans for tax today", or similar. In fact, they always know pretty much the content of the speech. To me this rather defeats the point- they might as well not have the speech if everyone's just gonna be ticking off the list. I think they secretly all hope that the speaker will go horribly off subject and admit hes been having an affair with a gerbil called Timothy (hmm, is that even biologically possible).

Still not much going on at the moment, and thats how I like it.


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