Friday, February 18, 2005


Legend. It has delivered onto me Megatokyo book 3, and the Excel Saga Manga vol10. For that it shall be praised. Mightily.

I've been playing on ratchet and clank 3 recently, which is quite fun, but it is really hard thanks to the rpgish style of the game which means you have to level up your weapons. I find myself using the same weapons again and again so weapons I need to use later in the game are pathetic. The final boss is stupidly hard, and I suspect I won't actually bother to complete this game because of that. Oh well. The Sonic Mega collection is tempting me. Every single sonic game on one disk..... wow. I will ask for it for my birthday, unless I buy it earlier because I can't wait. I've already completed 2 and knuckles twice already (actualy I can't beat the final boss on 2 anymore, but thats besides the point). Its odd how hard sonic seemed when I was younger, and now I can whizz through the games. Wasted youth, I suspect is the cause.

I went to a debate on whether the sponsorship of universities by oil companies compromised them. It was rather good, with good points raised by both sides. Currently, universities do need sponsorship, and sponsorship can be a beneficial thing, but the way they are sponsored by oil companies is not healthy- it is going to lead, and has lead, to the debate on climate change becoming murkier, and the freedom of ideas being repressed. Its very bad news when i seems like every day there is a new report talking about the effects of climate change. We need to take action, and we need to take action now.


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