Sunday, June 05, 2005


Tomorrow. Pretty confident.

Saw log last night. League of Gentleman, that is. I considered keeping that in cryptic code. I think you'll like it as long as you liked the original series. Which you should have 'cause its great.

One of the biggest jokes the government like to pull on us is encouraging us to use public transport. Yes, it has got a bit better, but it still costs a fortune. It costs less to FLY to scotland than it does to take the train. There is something deeply wrong with that. Especially as planes are incredibly polluting, trains would be much better. Thing is, while buses and trains cost more, or equivalent, to transport by car, people aren't going to take them, because travelling by bus or train is inconvinient and unpleasent. The solution given by the government is to raise the price of driving... but none of seems to be going into cheapening transport. You need both for it to be fair.

Actually, REALLY what the government should do, but won't, is massively fund and push for new, better cars, moving towards hydrogen power and hybrid cars. Realistically, making cars better for the environment is the only way you are truly going to curb the pollution caused by these. However, the oil industries will NOT support such a move, and it would take a lot of initial financial investment on the government's part.

Have I said this already? Maybe, oh well.

Its odd, because there are things with solutions, things which are simple to do. The make povety history campaign, of course, the control arms treaty, an enforcable treaty policing corporations. These are things that will obviously reduce human suffering, and yet they do not happen. I guess its our job to try and make sure they do.


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