Friday, May 27, 2005

Suffering in silence

Over rated. As I briefly mentioned in my last post, I am not one to do so. I certainly didn't today, where the burns all over my body did their best to make me regret my proud proclimation that the money we were raised for charity was worth the damage my skin took.

But yeah, your body tells you you're in pain, you might as well tell everyone else. Hopefully you should get some sympathy, should get you some breaks. If you suffer in silence, you get nothing. Admittedly there is a balance to be had. Constant complaints will net you nothing but hatred, which, while useful in small amounts, is disastorous in large amounts, and will probably lead to the result of even more pain.

But jesus does my neck hurt.

End of lectures today- i've been absolutely exhausted all day, and if I had any sense I would be aleep by now. I don't, so I'm not. I don't have to get up at any particular time tomorrow, which is great, because getting up for anything tomorrow would probably kill me. Well, at least slow me down severely.

So yeah, revision period, which could mean anything- my blog posts could get more or less frequent, higher in quality, lower in quality... I honestly have no idea. I'm also trying to build up the suspense, so you keep on reading. Gotta hit that one thousand hits mark!


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