Saturday, April 09, 2005

Back to Bath

Urgh, I should really make myself do more during the holidays. When I allow myself to sit and stew, doing absolutely nothing with myself, I get completely lazy and unmotivated, which means the next term proves quite a shock. But meh, thats me, incredibly lazy. Hmm, and I've agreed to be Amnesty chair next year... this could spell disaster.

Anyway, as I might have promised in the last post (can't remember, I was drunk), I've got a very amusing photo from last night.

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Hehe. Apparently Ad was putting on a "disapproving look". He kind of managed that, in an insane freak kind of way. I have many other photos from that night, reveling in my new digital cameraness, but that is the funniest by far.

Annoyingly I threw up this morning, which I feel is a little unfair. I don't get as drunk and I get a hangover? The worst of both worlds? Fate is poking me in the eye, clearly.


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