Monday, April 04, 2005

webcomic a day

THANK GOD! I actually managed, again, to forget to save the last post, but it publised ok. Thank God. Not that I believe in him, but what the hey, gotta thank someone, and its more concise than thanking the laws of nature that have led inevitably to this moment in time.....

Today its a webcomic I have a poster from (there are three of these), . This is a comic I also found very early on in my days of having the internet. Its a truly random thing, and can be completely surreal, but also at times absolutely hilarious. These comics are all stand alone, although occasionally jokes will make a bit more sense if you've read through the archives. I haven't done this for the rest, but heres my favourite comic from the series. Check it out.

(I'm intending to get "check it out" as my catchphrase...)


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