Sunday, April 03, 2005

RIP Pope John Paul II

Well, the Pope has died, at the grand old age of 84. And while people are entitled to their grief, he is a very old man. He has lived a full and, I imagine, fufilling life. I did not agree with some of his ideas, or certain ways he handled uissues he handled, but in the end he handled things in a way that he felt was right. He probably was a force for good, just sometimes I felt it was misguided.

But anyway, the point is is he lived a long time, and people can grieve. And, indeed, the news should indeed contain a fair amount about it. But blanket coverage? I dunno. I could probably wonder off and find some people dying right now. If I go to Africa, they could be dying of hunger, or diseases that we know how to cure. And I like to think the Pope wouldn't want us to ignore these things right now. The best thing to do with his legacy is help others, as he would have wanted. He was an old man, and he died- there were no surprises, and he died with as much dignity as he could with 24 hour news coverage of him. Meanwhile kids die as early as 14 when we COULD help them.

So if you're feeling a bit bad about the Pope dying, why not do something good? Join the make poverty history campaign . Just a thought


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