Wednesday, March 30, 2005

2001: A Space Odessy

Yeah, I'm just watching Kubrick all day these days. God this film is long. I know this is considered a masterpiece, but lets just look at the facts.

For the first 20 minutes NOBODY speaks. A 15 minute portion of the film has apes learning that bones can be used as weapons.This lack of dialogue continues throughout the film, with too much emphasis on the prettiness of the special effects. OK, the bits with Hal, the artificial intelligence in, are pretty good, and theres a fair bit of tension built up, but they take up about an hour of a film that is 2 hours and 20 minutes long. I dunno, maybe I'm missing something, but this film just feels heavily dated. I'm sure its very influential, and its got some nice ideas about the future, but as a film, its simply far too overlong, and frankly quite silly in points.

I'm probably a phillistine for saying this, but I was not a fan.

I think its more fun to mock films. Thats why critics are usually over harsh. Its very easy to mock something. Its quite simple to find things to hate in even the best of films (or games, or books, or cds), so in the worst theres a LOT to pick up on. Its much harder to say why you like something without sounding like a pretentious twat, or being really undetailed. I suppose thats why proper critics get training, unlike me. So perhaps I should go see more films knowing that they are going to be rubbish. I might, if I know I get free entry to see them.... hmm, all I need is for some rich person to see this website and declare that I am the funniest fellow they have ever read, and to fund me. In all my life, I mean, give me a wage to just write. Heh, I'm sure that happens daily.

You know, if I ever achieve wealth beyond my wildest dreams I might just do that for someone. After all, ones life goal should be to live a life of leisure. And maybe do something good.

I recently sent an email to a company about summer work. On their website they only spoke of full time employment, but I only want to work for a handful of months, so I sent them an inquiry. Their response? They sent me basically the content of their bloody website. I'm hoping there might be a letter later on which actually responds to me properly- this being a sort of standard response. It seemed a tiny bit personal for that though.

Just listening to Cold Water Music by Aim. Its absolutely brilliant. Check it out.


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