Saturday, March 26, 2005


There must be SO many posts with that title. So yeah I had ye mammoth pub crawl yesterday: ten pubs in total. It would have been 11 but we stalled- or rather myself and a handful of people stalled in the old english gentleman for quite a while. I am normally very bullish about pub crawls, making sure that they keep moving. But past a certain point alchohol has the odd effect of making me a little drunk.

So yeah, a very good day, and I pay for it now. I have the worst hangovers out of anyone I know. This is aided by the fact that close to none of my friends have hangovers. They might well throw up on the night, but the next morning they are fine. For someone who spends a day regretting ever having the thought of letting alchohol touch my lips, this is very depressing. Its got to the point that throwing up, which normally relieves me, does nothing but make me want to throw up again. I was able to eat food today, which was good as it is my birthday.

I got some good presents, for those of you interested in the minutae of my life. Amoungst them was a digital camera, which I have wanted for a long time, and finally have. Now I can take amusing photos and upload them for your amusement, and finally I can put a photo of myself up which isn't hopelessly outdated. Hopefully I'll be able to take one that will make me look pretty good, unlike the average photo of me with this long hair, which makes me look like a woman. Also got the Stanley Kubrick collection for my birthday, which is most pleasing. 8 whole films! I am determined to become a film lover extrodinaire, but theres a lot of films out there for me to watch. I might join this I love film thing, which sounds pretty good.

Watched the new Doctor Who tonight. It was pretty damn good actually. While its odd to watch a doctor who with good special effects, the scripting and humour is there. I can see myself really enjoying this show. Now next of all they need to bring back Knightmare, and my life will be complete.


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