Monday, March 14, 2005

one tooth wiser

I've got another wisdom tooth coming in. Fer crying out loud. I swear, this must be the fiftieth wisdom tooth I've had come in. I had thought that I'd be done with them by now, but apparently my body has different ideas.

I have no idea what purpose wisdom teeth have. Are they some evolutionary throwback, or is there some kind of advantage to having extra teeth at age 16? (or, in my case, 19) I dunno, one man reached adulthood he wanted to be able to eat REAL meat. The kind of stuff thats tough and nasty. Or maybe its something to do with sexy biting. Are the wisdom teeth the sexiest teeth? Are any teeth the sexiest teeth? Thats surely a bit of knowledge which is lacking in our scientific database. It would be invaluable to solving many mysteries, such as which teeth to spend all our time brushing on, because they are the important ones.

I'm guessing back teeth aren't that important, as you don't really see them, but I suppose exploration might discover them, and if they were found lacking, disgust would follow. I dunno really, this isn't something I have thought about until just now.

But anyway, my point is is my mouth hurts, and it sucks.


At 11:38 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

The canine teeth are the sexiest teeth - they're cool and pointy.


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