Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Spot the difference

I have a spot underneath my lip. Not one of those subtle spots, that you have to be up close to se, a big, garish spot. This annoys me. I am now 19, very soon, I will be 20. Shouldn't the spots have stopped by now?

I mean, I get sunlight, I wash frequently, I offer the appropriate sacrifice to the Sun God, surely I should get some kind of reward? Hmm, maybe I'll have to buy more of that biactol stuff. That is DEFINITELY not how you spell biactol. Baictol?Bactol?Buyeracttoll?Clearisil, now that I can spel..... no wait thats wrong to. Damn you anti-spot products!

I dunno, its not like theres that many people I want to impress, but I would prefer to look a little more mature now I'm older, so I could do without the blemishes.

Urgh, I've got to get some work done now. So I shall. Actually, I probably won't, but I have to at least make an effort.


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