Genetic superiority
I was thinking today, that clearly men contribute the better genes to any child. No, honestly, think about it. Basically, each partner brings a half of the genes, ok? Now the female genes are in the egg. What does an egg do? It sits there for a bit, dies, and is replaced for a new one. Essentially all your average egg has to do is wait. And possibly try not to be too difficult to get into, I suppose.Now consider the sperm. In every ejaculation there are millions of sperm, each with their own plucky individual combination of genes. And they charge forward, up the fallopian tubes, swimming up, against the powerful pull of gravity. They fight their way to the egg, and many die along the way. And they all compete for the chance to get to the egg, to break through and be the one to fertilise. And the one thats the strongest, the wiliest, the cunningest, the most agile, beats off those thousands of other competitors and gets into the egg. Thats one damn fine sperm. Thats a top quality, A-grade sperm thats managed to succeed. If they gave out prizes for that sort of thing, that sperm would win it.
So thats what we've got. The brave and agile sperm, and the frankly lucky egg. I may not be a biologist, but I reckon that sperm is pretty special, and the kids THAT sperm produces are going to be much better than the other crappy sperms.
I'm not sure what my point is with all this, probably something about guys being better than girls. But there you go. Why do things need a point anyhow?
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