Sunday, January 23, 2005

Halo 2

So, I've been playing co-op on it with Paul recently, finally getting round to it after months of playing. Its quite enjoyable actually, if repetitive (in this room, you will need to kill some people, t progress to the next room where you will kill some different people, and then you can kill some really powerful people....), but I have one major quibble.

Why the bottomless pits? They had them in Halo too, and it boggles the mind as to why. Do they truly think that having them are enjoyable? They hardly add to the scenery (WHY is halo full of botomless pits??), and are deeply, deeply annoying. You fight through every single enemy,just scraping through with barely any ammo, and have almost reached a new checkpoint when a new enemy appears, and surprises you. You back off, shooting.... and die. ARGH! In no way is this fun! For christ sake, this was a mistake game designers were making in the 80s! The only place I want pits to die in is in platformers, because platformers are designed so you can be fully aware of where the damn things are.

Its not that hard to make a flawless game you know. Half Life 2! OK, there is a flaw to it- its too short, but while it lasts pretty much every minute is exhilarating, and never frustrating, just challenging. I haven't tried out Half Life 2 multiplayer yet. Perhaps I shall tonight... Right, back to revision.


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