Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Pub urinals

I always come up with the best possible ideas for things to talk about.

As any guy would tell you, if you are of the female persuasion (or of the male persuasion and never use public lavatories), it is a vital, unwritten rule, that one must not be too close to a fellow man while going to the toilet. Unless extreme circumstance forces your hand, you must wait if there is the slightest hint of invading another mans relievment zone.

And, at the pub, a place of some testosterone, and a lot of drink, this is even more true, and even more urgent. So why on earth does your average pub have three urinals in a row, REALLY close together? What of course happens is that one guy takes the left, the other takes the right, and the rest.... well they either go to the cubicle (or cubicles, if you're in one of those fancy pubs), or they queue. Thats right, no-one is going into that middle urinal! You have to be insanely desperate to go to that middle urinal, or really drunk.

Really, pubs do not need that middle urinal. They could have two, but spread out, maybe with a barrier between them. Its a waste of pipes and...... uh, whatever urinals are made out of.......

Kieran Martin- making a stand against toilet wastage!


At 2:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spelt your name wrong joke.


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