Friday, November 26, 2004

Making friends

Sigh, I'm so absolutely amazing sometimes, I wonder why I don't expire of amazigness.

Or, you know, inability to spell.

Anyway, I was going to say, I'm really poor at making new friends. The problem is, is that I have a tendency to very insular with people I don't know very well. I catch myself doing it- ignoring new people in favour of just chatting to my friends. I do try to stop, but its very hard.

Today was a classic example. I had gone to munchies. I had been too lazy to make my lunch so I was eating there with Toby. It was very busy, and we were unable to get a table. Suddenly a table was empty. I struck, like a bat, or some other creature of appropriate name. There was a bag bagsying a seat. Screw that, I decided, we need a table. So I sat. A few minutes later, a girl sits down- Toby was away getting food. It was she who bagsied the table. Now, it would be appropriate, even polite, to say SOMETHING here. I don't. I munch on my wrap, and look away.

Way to go Kieran! To be honest, I suspect its a very British thing to do, the old pretend no-one else exists move, but its one I do possibly a little too much.


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