Thursday, November 25, 2004

Dumb And Dumber

I finally watched this film today. I say finally, as if its a film I've been intending to see for ages. I haven't- i've been deliberately avoiding it. But Toby, a huge Jim Carey fan, made me watch it (actually, I think I might have said this.....)

Anyway, its actually surprisingly funny. It doesn't rely on gross out that much- only two scenes are really, the rest is actually quite solid, fun, humour. I hate to say it, but I really enjoyed watching it. Carey didn't even overact that much- this was before his fame so clearly the director must have reigned him in a little. Not to say that he can't act- Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine showed this adequately- but he does tend to overact insanely in his comedies, which often ruins my enjoyment. I still hate Liar Liar, after having given it a sum total of three tries. The jokes are just too overeked, and depend on one character too much.

But yeah, I would actually recommend this film. Perhaps I have misjudged the Farelly brothers.....


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