Monday, November 22, 2004

Bladder control

I have absolutely appalling bladder control. As with all good problems, I blame this entirely on my parents. They were always encouraging the younger me to go when I had the opportunity, mainly because at that point I had a tiny bladder, as appropriate to my tiny size, and no adult wants a kid complaining about needing the toilet.

A sensible precuation, perhaps, but they did not anticipate the psychosis it would give me. I know I actually have reasonable bladder control. When I am at home, with the toilet always at easy access, I rarely go. But when out, and theres an even 15 minute period in which I might not be able to reac the toilet, I become obsessed. Obsessed I tells thee! Films are the worst. At a certain point in my life it became stupid. I went half way through X-men 2. X-men 2 for christ sake! Hardly the longest film in the world.

I have become determined to do better, as theres nothing worse than missing a bit of a film, so I exercise self control- I even survived Return of the King. Although I didn't survive without laughing. To be honest, I kind of feel those films were over rated. They were enjoyable, certainly, but very empty films, I felt, and certainly over long. I didn't care that much about any of the characters. And the homo-eroticism between Sam and Frodo gets ridiculous at some points- the last 20 minutes or so of Return of the King is scattered with moments where one of them should say "Kiss me, you crazy fool!

I dunno I enjoy fantasy and sci-fi. I think. But theres too much spectacle in those films for me to enjoy. LOTR is a hulking beast of a book after all. Skipping some sections is essential to ones enjoyment.

My life? Crazy shit as always. I got up too late for the tutorial, then missed the lecture, and stayed home until late. Toby was the cause of the missing lecture. He had, and I quote "a bad head". Pathetic, I know. Countless times I have gone in hungover. Actually, no, I miss lectures when hung over.....but thats clearly not the point!


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