Sunday, November 14, 2004


Amnesty rules. I got up stupidly early this morning, and went to the student conference in Bristol. It was amazing. So many like minded people, working together to actually make a difference. There is a stupid amount of apathy amoungst students, this smug idea that one cannot change things so why even bother. But its nonsense. On the very small scale, Amnesty has saved many, many peoples lives, and got people released from prison thanks to its hugely succesful letter writing campaigns. On other fronts it campaigns to spread awareness and change attitudes on such issues as violence to women (look out for the new Amnesty campaign!) and asylum.

I really do think this is what students should be about- doing something about the issues that bother you. Its an amazing feeling, talking about all these issues, and seeing the good that Amnesty can, and does do.

So yeah, I really enoyed the day. The lowest point was when we were sitting, deciding to wait for the queue to die down for dinner (which was included in the low low cost too! And it was really tasty- all vegetarian, which was cool), and these two girls asked to join us. We agreed, and then after a while, went to get food, asking them to save our seats. As soon as we hit the queue they stole our seats! Evil girls. Clearly not in the spirit of Amnesty.

Afterwards though we did a candelit vigil against violence against women. I say vigil, it was more a march. I had a gigantic hand to carry, which led to me making hilarious puns. HILARIOUS puns.

After that there was the columbian hip hop band who spoke totally in Spanish, which was actually really cool. We had to repeat things they said, and for all we knew they could have been insulting us for their own amusement.

We headed back earlier than we needed to as we missed the bus we intended to catch, so we got some chips. The guys gave me 5 Irish pounds as change! I switched it for 5 english pounds, you know, the sort thats legal tender.

There was loads of interesting stuff that arose from that, but I will spare you for now. I would really encourage you to be politically active though- it is possible to make a difference, and its amazing when you do.


At 12:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me mr blogman but it has come to my immediate attention (ie attention that instantaneously recognises) that you have violated several laws and regulations regarding the lack of advance wars plugging amidst your blogs. Bizarrely this came to my attention when I was reading the blog with the incidental advance wars inclusion. And yes a medal will be coming my way for the geniustic word complementation in effect in the last sentence. There I was reading your blog and then advance wars is mentioned as an aside. An Aside?! There should be reams of text dedicated to it K! Reams! Gibberish should be spilling from the keyboard in awe at this game! What's wrong with you?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! (I should note that the last few sentences are more to do with Kieran's (Am I supposed to mention names?) mental and stupidity state than advance wars disregard). Don't worry though Kieran I hope that I have now made up for any oversight on your part and consider advance wars (available at your local shop) well plugged.


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