Friday, November 12, 2004

Dark times are ahead

Finally, the day of reckoning has come. The four horsemen of the apolocalypse ride, the skies cloud over with blood. For Halo 2 has arrived, and never again will our television be free.

To be fair on Paul, he showed some marvelous restraint. After our test (which went... not too well. I KNOW I messed up at least one answer.) we went for a celebratory drink, skipping our lecture. We then headed down town and got Halo 2, and I got the new manics album (which I haven't listened to yet, actually!) Then, because Paul insisted, we headed BACK to campus for our stupid 5:15 lecture. Which was dull (Toby and I played Advance Wars. One of the best games ever, incidentally).

Intending to head back straight after, Alex persuaded us to stay for a couple of drinks. Indeed, I ended up staying for several more, but Paul finally burst and rushed home to relieve his Halo 2 urges. To be honest, Alex would have been all by himself (although he never finds it TOO hard to find someone to hang with), so it was fair enough.

I didn't actually get back til 9:30, a little drunk, of course, to see Halo 2. I'll admit, its pretty awesome. They've touched it up from last time, it works very well. We tried out multiplayer, which is freaky because ALL the weapons have been changed. The pistol is now petty pathetic, the rocket launcher is amazing (it locks on to vechiles!), the assault rifle cooler, there are new guns.... ooh. The vechiles are cool too, although the tank appears to be frickin' invincible. If it was not for the ability to climb onto it (hehe) it would be stupid.

But yeah, have to get up stupidly early tomorrow. Hopefully tomorow I'll put some shiny links onto this site, as I have now been told how, so that will delight you all, I'm sure. You read about my life on here, now you can see the peoples lives I read about.


At 1:21 am, Blogger Imperium child said...

dont worry kieran. You can play on Gta downstaris eventually, just let me relieve myself of the tension of owning the best game ever first

At 2:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got Half Life 2 already?


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