Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Mathematicians are bastards. I know this, because I have to do the damn subject. They seem to have a preference of picking symbols that look practically identical, or are impossible to draw. For example, I am just doing some integrating here (maths talk for adding up equations. Kinda. Well, not at all.), and in a row I have u,v and w. Now, those are some pretty similar letters. Then when they throw the greek symbol mu, a u with a little tail on, it can become VERY annoying. I don't even know the name of some of these insane symbols I've been made to draw. Honestly, I think one of our lecturers is starting to make them up. They're insane! Every now and then I snap and just put a instead of zeta, and pay for it later on when revising. They enforce cleverly, these psychopathic mathematicians.

On a different note, how do I put links on this page? I feel churlish getting Rich to link me and being unable to do the same.... Not that churlish, but still a teeny little bit churlish.

Sigh, I have revised today. Truth be told, the exam doesn't look too hard, so I should be OK. I have probably played more GTA than I have revised this evening though, because, well, GTA is more fun. And also this is the last night before the dreaded Halo 2 is released and the sitting room becomes the Halo 2 room. Have to back to me ol' teeny tv up here.

Yeah, I missed my tutorial this morning. Alex texted last night, inviting us round, and I texted back saying we were gonna go to bed early cause we needed sleep. I then managed to stay up until 1, which is really quite poor as I actually MEANT to go to bed at 11. Well, blame GTA and Paul and Fred refusing to leave my room. So unsurprisingly I did not go to the stupid 9:15 tutorial. I did go to campus though, for a talk on Cuba, which was interesting. Its a well off country, certainly, although it does have a poor humans rights record. One cannot tell if its an economically succesful example of communism as the US has been conducting a ridiculous trade blockade against it for over 10 years. Now I'm not saying Castro is a great guy- he isn't, although hes a damn site better than the corrupt dictators the US backed BEFORE him- but these sanctions only hurt Cuba... and, for that matter, the US by losing trade.

It is a scary prospect though, that of the US invading Cuba. I shudder at the thought, I really do. I wouldn't think it likely, but then I wouldn't think a full scale conquest of a country complying with demands from the UN after increased pressure would happen. Will there be another war soon? With Iran, North Korea, or Cuba? No-one can tell, we can only pray that the Americans really haven't screwed the world THAT badly by voting for Bush.

Uh, to be fair, thats 51% of those who voted in America. Not everyone there.... Course, everyone knows why Bush won... he promised the fundementalist right that he would "deal" with the gays, and get rid of abortion. I find it scary that the world can be controlled by fundementalists.....

And I can't spell.......


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