Monday, November 08, 2004

Rock hard algebra

Apparently many others found the Algebra sheet stupidly hard, so its not just me. Its a little sad cause Algebra is the course I probably enjoy the most, for all its difficultness.ness.

We have a test this thursday, and the prospect fills me with all the glee you might expect. Of course, our delightful lecturer, Mr Shouty Man (I have no idea what his name is. He didn't really announce it very clearly at any point, and so he got dubbed mr shouty man for his habit to be ear piercingly loud all the bloddy time), decided to set a problem sheet ALONGSIDE the bloody test. Becuase I actually have infinite time. I mean, yes, yes, theoretically I have all these evenings free, but to be honest I find it very difficult to get any decent work done late in the evening, especially after a hard day of work. I figure its time to relax past about 7. I have worked late in the past, but normally my answers become stupidly sloppy. Productive time for me is really on campus.

Oh Mr shouty man is annoying. Other than loudness, he sets stupidly hard and long winded problem sheets (even if you know what to do, they will take you hours), draws the most ridiculously small diagrams you have ever sodding seen (you cannot see the labels quite frequently), and never finishes on time.

I swear though, getting out of bed is a constant struggle. This morning, to avoid getting out of bed, I tried to convince myself to give up the course. I am horribly lazy. Thing is, is I was fully awake... ok, partially awake.... at the time, and was sitting on my elbows, partially dressed. There was nothing to stop me getting up other than the incredibly powerful lethargy that afflicted me.

We went to the Livingstone last night, our local pub. Its very much an old mans pub- everyone in there must have been over 70, other than us hip cool 19 year olds sitting in the corner. They were friendly enough though. 's a nice pub. I've started talking about this and realised I have nothing at all interesting to say about it whatsoever. Nothing all that amusing happened.....

Uh.... yeah. The problem with doing a maths course is not that much exciting happens that often. Having said that, this wednesday theres a talk on Cuba, and then on the weekend theres an Amnesty international conference. Those should spice things up.


At 11:52 pm, Blogger Ben said...

Aaaw crazy stuff always happens in the studio.
Why, just the other day we were playing limbo under the draughting tape while sitting on a computer chair! Also managed to persuade li to jump throuh the gap in the middle onto the concrete floor hahaha.


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