Wednesday, November 17, 2004


I love being political- I feel that getting active, and working with other like minded people to a common, achievable goal, is what university should be about. I know I've mentioned this before, but I do think its true.

The wednesday talks from one world are conflicting beautifully with me getting my work done. Thing is, is they shouldn't. I should, ideally, get up, go to my 9:15 tutorial, then spend the rest of the day on campus getting the work done. Unfortunately, thanks to Amnesty and Alex, I have spent pretty much every tuesday evening out drinking, meaning that I miss my tutorial, get up late, mope about a bit then head up to campus for the talk, meaning I don't start work until 4, already tired, and not really feeling that productive. Ideally, one of these nights when I am invited to stay up just that little bit later, I am going to say no, and then NOT stay up anyway. It would be an intriguing experience, having enough sleep on a day other than a weekend. Might be fun.... but then I would miss out on all that vital stuff I do in the early mornings, like, for example, read webcomics. Oh yes, I really HAVE done that before.

Its sad, I know. But also quite enjoyable, in a "I can't believe I'm fucking doing this I have to get up at 7 tomorrow" kind of way.

Yeah, so it was a talk on Iraq, that got me to change my mind. I like to think I am actually fairly open to an opinion change on most things, and this was one. Basically, I have felt that the occupation probably does need to continue to prevent Iraq collapsing into chaos. But it IS in chaos now, and suffering badly- thanks to the prescence of the millitary there. Iraq is actually quite an educated country, and if we pulled out our army (and privately owned companies.... haliburton, I'm talking to you!) but kept giving economic reperations... it would be chaos. But at least there would be a chance, a good one, of the people of Iraq pulling the nation together. Assuming that they need our help to be civillised is really the height of arrogance. We do no good by being there, in fact we do bad. 100,000 civillians killed is a huge figure, and it IS a trustworthy one, despite the nonsense some government officials are spouting about it.

But yeah, so that was cool, then I came back here and worked for a while.

Oh, and as I've mentioned, I played Half Life 2. I suspect the universe actually exists to create that game......


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