Monday, November 29, 2004

The corporation

So yeah, apologies for that rather inane post. I was, as I said, rather bored, and rather unexciting.

As I mentioned, I went to see the Corporation last night. Amazing film. I really feel it should be compulsary viewing for all. Its a well argued case, carefully documented with experts from various fields talking. While its pretty clear that is not pro-corporation, it does allow CEO's from companies to have their say. It may be that some of the arguments in the film may be argued against, but to me they were very convincing, and well and clearly constructed. There is, at least, a lot to think about, and a fair amount to shock. The US patent office will allow the patenting of an living thing other than a human baby. Thats incredible.

There are a list of scandals coming from each company- pretty much every company has been fined for something. Its thanks to the design of the company, which basically pretty much forces them to make profit above all else they do. They must be controlled- it will be difficult to do so, but another message of the film is that the people have power. Real power. Its an inspiring message, and one that has certainly inspired me- I am endavouring to become more and more politically active, and I hope to even get a job somewhere in politics after university.

OK, more will be written later, but I have to go now.


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