Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Summer lovin'

Happened so fast. Not that I'm getting any summer lovin', I just picked the title because I was trying to think about of a summer title, and thats the first that sprang to mind.

Summer of 69 is a deeply frustrating song. According to Bruce, those were the best days of "our" lives. "our". In other words, I didn't even exist during the best days of my life! Hmm, I sometimes wish people wouldn't tell it like it was.

A question I sometimes get asked is which period in history would I like to live in. To which I normally reply- now. Lets face it, the past was rubbish. The average person did not have a happy existence in the past. Admittedly the same is true in large portions of the world nowadays, but at least you can say that we have whole nations of affluence, which you really didn't have, even 100 years ago, when Britain was split into the very poor and the small, well off, middle classes. I like ruining games of fancy.

Paul, who has a brand new spiffy blog, so he can fail to update on two blogs (I am so going to pay for that joke later...), was pondering about what to do this summer. I must admit this question has occured to me. Perhaps I should do what Paul did, and open myself to suggestions, which I can then ignore and do what I was always planning to. I suppose I could write again. Fiction this is, clearly I am writing right now, much to your undulating joy. But for that I would need inspiration. 'Course, I could try to write a webcomic, but I hear that takes some kind of artistic talent, which I am not exactly possessing. Of course, this isn't always a halter on success, as the excellent dinosaur comics and irregular webcomic proves (although the time put into irregular webcomic must be reasonably impressive). But what they hey, 'll probably collapse in a slobbish heap for the whole time, as usual. Its what I do best!


At 4:00 pm, Blogger Ben said...

Ooh if you wanna write some stuff i don't mind having a go at drawing - ur blog has always provided me with inspiration e.g. pwned Kieran hehe.

At 12:48 am, Blogger Imperium child said...

Kieran that remark will get you.... three, no four pokes or a light slapping! Also as I offered before I will help you with a webcomic if you so wish, we could make it a threesome (No laughing) with me, you and kirbie.

At 6:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to give drawing anything a go...

I usually muck about with comics and screentones...

At 4:20 pm, Blogger Mr K said...

Uhhh, what is this, some kind of comittee to drawing my fictional comic.....

Well, we shall see, we shall see. Nothing will happen for a while. Unless I write stuff in the lake district. Ooh, thats a good idea, unless I go all wordsworthy and make it about the lakes. Heh, a comic about living mountains and lakes... heh.


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