Sunday, December 05, 2004

Christmas shopping

God I hate shopping. Especially for other people. First of all you have to desperately wrack your brain for things they would like, but also do not have. This is not easy unless you have indepth knowledge of their collections, which I do not. Secondly, I have a tendency to notice so many things that I want, and could get.... if I didn't get my friends and family presents. And that probably isn't on. Probably. So it all combines to deep depression and draingness.

This is true of shopping in general, which is why the idea of shopping for pleasure freaks me out. Perhaps if I had an unlimited budget this would be enjoyable, but even then it would pale in comparison to just using the stuff I had bought. Not to mention that a lot of stores are very souless, and their layout is often deeply frustrating and random to anyone other than someone who works there.

Frankly, I find the system of sectioning off music into different topics DEEPLY annoying, as really the definitions of certain bands are rather stretched. To call Blink 182 anything but pop is really quite insulting to the genre of punk. This has only been an issue for me a few times, when I was searching for Aim (urban section) and Air (dance section. Admittedly reasonably obvious, but I am normally a rock and pop man).

But meh, the entire principle of getting excited about clothes shopping is more disturbing. Its the one item that I buy that I don't really benefit from that much- yeah, it should be comfortable and warm, but thats about it- the rest is impressing other people, and thats a hassle.

Our fridge freezer is broken, which is quite a blow. So its all tin food from now on- if we want cold drinks we have to put them outside.... sigh. I tried out tuna+mayonnaise+sweetcorn all in one tin today, despite vague memories that it was crap. I should have paid attention to my memories. Never mind.....


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