Monday, November 01, 2004

work... on course.....

Disurbingly, I appear to be on schedule with my workload. Of course, on schedule involves doing two problem sheets on wednesday and spending tuesday moping about on the internet, so perhaps thats not a surprise. But still, I can pat myself on the back despite being further behind on work than the last two weeks. Perhaps I have finally settled into the mid-term laziness that so characterised my course last year. Of course, this is not a good habit. Generally it leaves me the revision period to learn my entire course, which can be difficult. Still I managed alright last time. This year IS meant to be harder but right now its not showing much evidence of that. Fer chrissake, I actually understand more material than I did last year!

That might have something to do with not playing advance wars during the lectures though. Incidentally, if you have a game boy advance and you do not own Advance wars 2, you are a shameful person. It is simply one of the best games ever. A turn based strategy game that is stupidly addictive, its actually remarkably clever despite its simplicity. Its set in the excitingly titled "Wars World", so you can guess what happens in this universe. Bizzarely, despite the world being made up of 4 different factions, all with their own commanding officers, they are all peacable, and need someone evil (Black hole.... oooh, scary) to stir it up a bit.

Needless to say, the plot is awful. But the gameplay is amazing. I guarentee good times on that game! Buy it! Buy it now!!!


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