Monday, November 01, 2004

Stupid promotions...

I'm no expert on the world of football, but when you get promoted, aren't you meant to get a few more people coming to your goddamn games? Stupid ......

I was pleasently surprised this morning when I woke up.... well I woke up on time for that matter, but I was also able to pull myself out of bed with a mere 20 minute struggle. AND the shower had warm water! Its very rare, and when it happens it really must be treasured. Course, I then missed the appropriate bus and was 20 minutes late for my tutorial, but.... I got a seat on the bus and missed nothing of importance in the tutorial!

Perhaps today is going to be a charmed day. Hmm, I'd prefer not to curse that though. Too late I guess. Not that I believe in the ability of people to say things that then ruin their day- so called "Sods law". It IS non existant, because you ignore all the times when you say something and nothing happens from it, and you take out of all proportion other cases. If you say "my days going well" there bound to be SOMETHING to spoil it. After all, no day is perfect. Or at least, in my experience anyway.

Hmm, an entirely perfect day..... that'd be great, wouldn't it? Somehow avoiding all the minor aches and pains that you always manage to encounter during a day, and have everything going right. As Alan Partidge would say, needless to say, you would have the last laugh. But life ain't perfect, and sods law is nonsense.

People have a problem dealing with probability anyway, as those who play the lottery show. Or, for that matter, people who smoke- yes the odds are they will die younger, but they'll play the odds! Apparently. The house ALWAYS wins.


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