Monday, October 25, 2004

Predictive text

I'm so over bursting with enthusiasm for this whole internet buisness that I'm gonna throw an insane amount of rants at you. Honestly, this has made me stupidly happy. 1.5 mbps connection in my own room. Sigh, I'm in heaven.

Uh, yeah, I use predictive text, partly because I don't really know how to turn it off. This can lead to me, when lazy or drunk, making stupid messages because I don't read through them. As happened when Toby sent a random annoying text at me, and I thought I responded

"One of these days I will snap and kill you."

But in fact I said

"One of these days I will soap and kill you" .

Which in a way is much more frightening. I should really turn predictive text off


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