Friday, October 22, 2004


Ah, another evening setting the world to rights last night. Heh, that almost rhymes..... Yeah, I have finally got my act together and joined Amnesty International. In case you don't know what Amnesty is, its an international organisation devoted to... well... amnesty. More specifically, it fights against human rights abuses across the world, and seeks for social justice for all, no matter of nationality or creed. Unfortunately, even Britain has problems with human rights right now, so it IS an important issue. Apparently the terrorists hate us because of our freedom, according to W, and if he can't be trusted.... well he can't be trusted, but thats not the point.

Anyways, yeah you should get involved in amnesty, or something like it. for more information, and you really should get involved. Its also massive fun to go drinking and start discussing politics with like minded individuals. I know that kinda sounds dull, but theres alchohol which always makes things better. Ah, alchohol, my friend.... at least on the night.

Ooh, on another note we have the internet now, albeit on only one computer, so I am most pleased, and loserish flatmate is hereby promoted to full flatmate status.


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