My Space
Good god, have you ever browsed My Space? I mean, really browsed it? It's like they had a compeitition to see who was the best with html and then made sure no-one who was any good went anywhere near my space. Backgrounds with incoherent text, random movies and songs imbedded at completely inexplicable points? My space has got it! Check it out
Seriously.. what are these people on? These are hardly the worst examples ever. Some people should be kept away from the internet....
Ah it's like the good old days of the interweb and geocities!
I'm sorry... I really don't understand what this is about... am i just too used to seeing real language and am completely unaware of how the internet works... HTML...blarrr!! God I'm so annoying to you guys... I'll go!
Somebody explain...after you've finished cradling your head and weeping gently in despair. I have far too much time on my hands...
Are you just confused, as Mr K is a lazy/incompetent git who didn't bother to format his links correctly, so you have to copy and paste them or was it something else?
Ah, now I don't understand :(
My poor innocent girlfriend has no understanding of the term "html" which is the language people write pages on the internet in- if you do poor html, your webpage looks like crap. Which these do.
That's patronising...hehe! that is always the way to go Mr K. I'm not sure you caught the note of contempt i have for all technological things. Give me pencil and paper any day... I may be foolish, but when the western world runs out of electricity and computers become obsolete not only will we have to revert to candle light, but I will be the only one capable of writing legibly. Everyone knows computer geeks have awful handwriting, especially my geek. ;o) adieu!
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