Thursday, May 05, 2005

Voting day!

so, voting day today. I have not voted yet, but I have been informed that the polls are open until 10, so rest assured that my vote will be severely placed. With extra bile.

Actually, I could, in all probability, if I had the means or the inclination, vote twice, as I am registered in two parts of the country, and they don't really check it (or at least, they didn't use to anyways). But seeing that it would be an over 6 hour journey round trip to place my second vote in the safest conservative seat in the country... and it would be illegal... I will give it a miss this time.

What exactly is the penalty for voting twice? As fraud goes, its hardly the highest level kind, but it is of course rather wrong. Hmm, I would look it up, but as its a crime I really have no intention of committing then its not really worth it. Unless the penalty is something like a slap on the wrist (literally), because it probably WOULD be worth it. Still, the benefits really have to overwhelmingly outweigh the risks to make crime worth it, ignoring, of course, the tricksy moral issues that probably lie hidden somewhere.

As I said yesterday, I'll say again, you should vote. It would take you an hour now to look at the parties manifestoes (briefly), and that would probably make you more well informed than the average voter. I don't care who you vote for (lib dem or labour, damnit), just vote!

You can tell how highly voting features in my mind, when, yesterday, Toby said "Kieran, big day tomorrow!"

My response was "What.... oh, its the thursday student guardian!"


"Oh... and the election, yeah...."

But I do care, honestly!


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