Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Orange Juice

I was looking at a carton the other day, and noticed a warning on it. I won't quote it verbatim, because I can't, but it essentially said that little kids shouldn't have too much of these sugary drinks, and they should be encouraged to have more water and squash.

Now, I remember reading this on orange juice, and indeed many juices. Why do they get singled out? Kids get fed burgers at mcdonalds, why isn't there a huge sign telling parents that that isn't in any way healthy? Kids down coca cola, why isn't there a label on it telling parents that it will DESTROY their teeth? And their souls, most likely. Pressure from the companies, most liklely. Kinda makes you sad for the nice, wholesome orange juice which is forced to have that warning sign.

Incidentally, if you haven't seen Super Size Me, you really should. There are many other reasons to not go to McDonalds (you think the animals those burgers came from were in ANY way well treated?), but this presents a compelling argument. Well, it doesn't say not to go to mcdonalds, just not much, and that things need to change with the way people market products.

I mean, we're talking about messing with kids here. Sweden, I believe, bans advertising for under 12 years olds. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. These children are our future, and we are turning them into consumer whores.

Election tomorrow! Vote! Vote! Vote!


At 9:59 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

mm, I thought supersize me was good. I haven't been to a McD's since (not that I do hardly ever anyway..).


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