Thursday, November 01, 2007


I'm not gonna diss on haloween this year, although my feelings towards it are mostly hostile, because I suspect that you've all heard what I've had to say about it before.....

I actually got dressed up this year. It was going to be zombie jesus, but instead it was just a zombie. And kind of a rubbish one at that. I did actually take a photo of it but I don't have a lead for it. At the moment items in our house keep going missing, and considering our house is in fact a flat with 3 rooms, I'm not entirely sure where things are going. Possibly goblins or gremlins, to go with the haloween theme.

So time is slipping by, and it's already been a month into my course. Lots and lots of coursework has been set, and more will be next week. All super fun!


At 2:27 am, Blogger Ben said...

ooh come on kieran I want to see if your zombie can match mine!

Have you got Metroid Prime 3 yet? Cos I want your friend points so I can get a mii bobble head for samus's ship!


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