Monday, November 13, 2006


To get into our library you have to scan your card on turnstiles. This slows people down, obviously, although progress has been increased by brand new ones being installed this year, that work similarly to oyster cards (you can scan your card while it is in in your wallet!). The only problem with this system is that there is no real need for it. The thing is, there are three things you could come to this library to do. To go on the computers- but you need your bath log in and password, so you could not do these without a library card. To use the books- but to take them out you again need your library card. Or to work, which admittedly you do not need your library card for. The thing is, bath campus is away from the main city, the general public, if they wish to come here, would have to make extra special effort, and once obtaining access to the library, all they could do was sit around in an already full library, wishing they'd just stayed at home instead.

Why we have this policy I have really no idea, but this university has never been the height of rationality. They did, after all, decide to replace the bottom floor work area with some comfy bean bags, because obviously what you want to do at a university library is sit around relaxing.

I'm getting a sense of deja vu typing this, and whther thats because I've ranted about this so many times or I've blogged about it before, I do not know. Still, it bears repeating. I could go on and on about our useless university, but I won't too much, as even I might become bored. I am in a particularly irate mood today thanks to a toothache and the dentist on campus not accepting any new patients... damn them indeed.


At 10:38 pm, Blogger Ben said...

Ye it's pointless, but they sure are fun to swipe!

At 9:59 am, Blogger Imperium child said...

haha i agree with benners. However i must laugh at ur dentist situation K, only because it is that harsh, I would cry otherwise ;(. I think there is a dentst on/near morland road anyway.


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