Wednesday, September 06, 2006

organ donation

A new law has been passed in the Uk which means that relatives have no right to overrule the wishes of the deceased over organ donation. That is, and I didn't realise this, before hand relatives were free to stop the deceased from donating EVEN IF SAID PERSON HAD AN ORGAN DONOR CARD. This is definitely a step in the right direction, I feel.

I know there are some religons that believe you need your body intact for the next life, but christianity certainly doesn't- unless everyone is getting it wrong byburying people and letting them be eaten by worms, or indeed cremation, and thats really the big religon. When you get down to it, unless you take some serious, Egyptian style steps to preserve your body once you die, then it will decay, and it will be lost. Isn't it so much better to save peoples lives with things you really don't need, whether you cease to exist or your soul has gone somewhere else?

I know that ultimately we have to respect peoples wishes, but there is a shocking lack of organs still... so many more lives could be saved if people would get over superstition.

Having said that, given a choice over a loved ones body, I would be uncomfortable with donating their organs without knowing what they want, which is why being on the organ donor list helps, because you make a clear sign of your wishes, thus reducing any unpleasent guilt attached with it.


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