Sunday, June 18, 2006

Good lord

An appropriate title for this. In my mind, the church of England has always been one of moderation, so that article, along with the other related link. I will deal with them in turn.

First of all- C of E schools want freedom to discriminate against homosexuals- at least that is the implication of this article. Are they mad? Surely no civillised nation would give them that right, to pick on people who are at their most vunerable, who are just discovering their sexuality. Thanks to steps forward over the past few decades, while coming out can hardly be easy, it is less frowned upon on than the past. The last thing any kid coming to terms with that sort of thing needs is a teacher condeming it. I don't think this kind of thing will be allowed- I hope not.

The second one is another weird move. I know Britain is supposed to be a religious nation, with a national religon, but honestly, does anyone believe that? We are mostly a nation of agnostics and atheists, who shouldn't be forced to worship every day. So schools have mostly pretty much ignored what is supposedly law- after all there are quite a lot of laws in UK books that aren't really followed anymore- the nation has moved on, even if the law hasn't quite managed it yet. The idea of enforcing a law which is out dated is silly- the sensible thing would be to get rid of it.


At 7:44 pm, Blogger cait said...

man, that's so sad...I suppose the C of E Churches worry about the definition of discrimination, and feel they may not have the right to disagree with the homosexual lifestyle if the laws are enforced...still, at my old (Catholic) high school, we had a Gay/Straight Alliance.

At 9:46 pm, Blogger Ben said...

I went to a Church of England school and I don't remember there being anyone saying being gay was wrong.
I guess some schools were more strict or I probably just wasn't paying attention. I never listened in Chapel (the times when I wasn't late or skiving somewhere) and pretty much the same goes for RE as well.
I still got an A in RE though! I'm not really proud of that, but find it highly amusing nevertheless. (I think my parents almost disowned me for that one!)


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