Monday, January 10, 2005

cooking, wooh!

I have now cooked myself two whole stir fries. Thats right, I can cook! OK, so I had a pre-made stir fry sauce. And ready to wok noodles. But, damnit, I cooked the rest! And it tasted pretty pretty good, if I do say so myself, and I might as well as I was the only one eating it. God I rule.

So yeah, back to university today, where I learnt several of my lecturers have thoughtfully forgotten that we have exams in two weeks time, and STILL haven't finished their course. Which is great, as I have to revise, while still attending lectures, courses which are not complete yet. Fanbloodytastic. Its rather frustrating-I have given myself more than adequate time to revise as long as I am undistracted, but I find it very difficult to revise on campus: I usually prefer to have some music playing loudly and no friends to distract me all too easily. Of course, I still will end up avoiding revision some way or another, but at least at home I concentrate a little better...

Ah, it was great getting back into the university mould again, with Toby and Colm insulting me. I wouldn't feel normal otherwise. I'm pretty sure men are never meant to compliment each other. We insult each other, thats how we show love and affection. The closest any guy can come to complimenting someone is by insulting someone else at the same time "Hey, you're pretty smart: well, smarter than Toby anyway". And in a way, its very comforting. Its a little disturbing when a guy compliments you of his own free will. It probably means hes drunk. Well if you're me. Of course, we can compliment girls. THATS fine.

(thanks to Toby for that little observaion above, by the way.)

Heh, last night, I knew I had to get up early this morning. And so my natural response was of course to read webcomics (Dominic Deegan:Oracle for Hire) until 3. Thats right, 3! Yeah, I'm hardcore. Or stupid. Whatever makes me sound better.


At 10:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it really hard to be smarter than Toby? Anyone who can injure (and scar!) themselves with a Christmas cracker has to be a bit suspect haven't they?!

At 3:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should point out that it didn't actually have a scar... it was there for a long time though!!!


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