Saturday, September 16, 2006

crazy driving test nonsense

I have my driving theory test on friday. For those who do not know, its 35 multiple choice questions, of which you must get 30 correct, then 14 video clips where you have to spot the hazard quickly, and click to note it.

The video clips, hazard perception, are frustrating enough- many things in the clips COULD develop into hazards, but don't, but if you click too much, the program thinks you're cheating, and if you click too little you won't click in time for the hazards, and lose points accordingly. I don't really think it is a very accurate test of hazard perception at all- If they want to do that, they should elongate the driving test instead. But I don't get a say, sadly.

The multiple choice is better, mostly restricting itself to questions about the highway code, but it does sink into absurdity at points. First of all, whats with all the questions about trams? Like we're going to encounter many of those on the roads! For crying out loud, I'm not sure I've seen a tram in the whole of the UK.... not that I have been everywhere, but you'd think it wouldn't merit, on one practice test, two questions. Along with this, there are some bizzare environmental questions. For example, it asks what the effects of pollution from cars are. I feel like I'm in a georaphy lesson rather than one testing to see if I am safe to drive on the road.... Another example is a question which shows a picture of a tram and asks why it is good for the environment. Again with the trams! Obsession much. Both are part of an agenda, which, while admirable, is surely not something essential to know about before one can drive....

Oh well, I have to do it before I can drive, and even have to pay for the privelege, which is nice.


At 1:56 pm, Blogger Ben said...

Oh well, i'm sure you'll pass the theory part. If you can read, you're pretty much sorted on that one!
No idea about the Hazard Perception - we didn't have to take that back in my day :p


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