Tuesday, October 25, 2005


How much is a human life worth? I mean, to you, and I'm talking about a random stranger here, one who is perfectly healthy, and full of potential, and not obviously evil anyway. What would you trade that for? Certainly a human life is worth another, and, in a detatched way, sacrificing one to save ten would be the correct thing to do. But what about other things?

What about all the books in the world? What if all literature, ever, was to be destroyed, unless you could kill just one person? Would it be easier if you only had to sign a piece of paper? Or press a button?

Are two adults worth a child? How much money WOULD it take you to kill someone? What if that money could be used to help other people- not directly saving their lives, perhaps, but providing homes? Would you kill someone to ensure all of humanity had shelter for the rest of their lives? What about 10 people?

What about pain? Kill someone to stop 20 from getting tortured? 10? 5? 1?

Also, growth. We talk a lot about growth, and how we have grown. I know I have, in many ways. Some claim that without growth is stagnation- some of the more intellectual science fiction novels I have read have made precisely that argument. Is this true? What if everyones happy? No-one is being born, but everyone is content? Society is stuck, but everyone feels good? How about individual growth? Surely there must come a point when you've grown enough? And surely not all growth can be good- surely some can have a negative effect, or are you suggesting you get better and better as you get older?

Just some thoughts.


At 9:42 pm, Blogger Ben said...

Well I guess most literature is in digital form too, so destroying all books would not be a big deal except for all the books I had bought and especially my Excel Sagas :(


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