Monday, February 26, 2007


If I didn't believe in such things, I'd think someone was trying to tell me something. I have decided to apply for an Msc in medical statistics, because I think I wouldn't mind doing a job that involved using those particular skills. Of course, for this, I need a reference. No problem, think I, I shall just ask my lecturer of my module in medical statistics last semester- a perfect match, one would think. Except he's ill, and has been for about a month.

So- back up plan, I decided to go find my lecturer for the previous semester, Ruth Salway. Except she wasn't on the directory and I couldn't find her office- I went to ask at reception... it was closed! ARGH! It seems she has gone on maternity leave........

Oh well. I will get a reference.... from someone......


At 10:28 pm, Blogger Ben said...

I'll be your reference if you like!

At 9:10 am, Blogger Imperium child said...

dargh! ya beat me to it ben


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