Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mathematicians represent!

This has to be the least cool video ever but if you know anything about mathematics (specifically group theory), it will generate a few chuckles at least.


At 12:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've sent it to a woman in the hope it'll woo!

And who said there wasn't a point to maths?!

At 9:58 am, Blogger Alice said...

hehe! Well, now, I'm a big fan of silly songs. I still get some of the jokes despite not being a mathematician. These guys are still very cool tho, despite mr k's obvious shame. I don't think it's fair to say its the most uncool video ever. Any chance of there being a bath mathemeticians version? I bet a couple of you guys can hold a tune... :o)

At 1:17 pm, Blogger Ben said...

Oh please god no!
Actually i'd quite like to see that, i think.


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